Energy Agency
of the Basque Government

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The system of certificates that pay for investments in efficiency and energy saving is consolidated in the Basque Country

Conference on Energy Saving Certificates CAE In its first year, the system has performed 38 certifications with an energy saving of 114,000 MWh. It is a key tool for boosting competitiveness in industrial sectors, and advancing the Energy Transition.  Applications accounted for 47 per cent in the industrial sector, 37 per cent in the residential sector and 16 per cent in the tertiary sector or services.

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Aid from the Basque Government, through the EVE, has boosted investments in energy efficiency and renewables worth €296M and mobilised more than three private euros for each public euro in 2024

ADID MANAGEMENT PROVISIONAL BALANCE.2024. The EVE has supported actions that have resulted in energy savings of 69,500 MWh, i.e. equivalent to the annual consumption of more than 12,400 homes. The new subsidised facilities amount to 81.5 MW of new renewable power in the Basque Country including solar photovoltaic, wind and thermal through biomass and aerothermia, among others. In the chapter on the promotion of electric mobility, the aid amounted to EUR 23,3 million, which in turn led to investments in the car market of EUR 114,9 million, encouraging the renewal of combustion cars by other electric motor vehicles or plug-in hybrids.

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Euskadi is committed to remain a benchmark for energy saving and has allocated 22 million aid in 2025 to strengthen industrial energy efficiency

Vice Councillor Irantzu Allende and EVE Director-General Mikel Amundarain presented tonight the III A3E Efficiency and Sustainability Plan organised by the Business Association for Energy Efficiency. Euskadi has managed to reduce its industrial emissions by 55% thanks to the many programmes promoted since 1990 by the Administration and the active role played by companies

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Withdrawal of identity

Some companies use the image of the Basque Energy Agency (EVE) and the Basque Government to promote non-existent offers​

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Hello, shall we talk?

This is the attention service of the Basque Energy Agency.