Wind farm
A wind farm is a set of wind turbines located in the same area and connected electrically to one another.
A- Civil engineering
Kokaleku egokiena aukeratu ahal izateko, proiektuaren garapenenaren inguruan ikerketa ugari egin behar dira:
A wind farm generally requires very little civil engineering, involving the foundations for the wind turbines, access roads and internal roads
Wind turbines are connected to each other by underground power lines
After the energy has been collected from the turbines, the voltage is raised to the level required by the power company
Each wind farm is connected to the grid by a power line
A- Civil engineering
B- Power connections
C- Electricity substation
D- Power line
Choosing the site
To choose the ideal site for a wind farm, numerous studies have to be carried out- Measurement of wind and assessment of the wind resource
- Estimation of wind speeds at the site
- Examination of electrical distribution in the area
- Study of the network of access roads
- Environmental impact study, analysing aspects such as visual impact, noise, ecology and archaeological heritage
- Information to local bodies and authorities, administrative procedures