Energy Agency
of the Basque Government

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Bilbao Port: "Oizmendi" completes first pilot LNG bunkering (ship-to-ship loading) operation in the Atlantic Arc and Mediterranean

The "Oizmendi" (formerly the Monte Arucas) has been adapted to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) to ships by ITSAS GAS, a company joint-owned by Ente Vasco de la Energía (49%), Naviera Murueta (25.5%) and Grupo Financiero Ibaizabal (25.5%).The initiative forms part of the European Commission's Core LNGas Hive project to promote natural gas in the shipping industry, in which Bilbao Port Authority is also involved. The commission is providing €4.5 million in funding for projects to extend LNG use in the Basque Country.Natural gas is a cleaner alternative for powering sea transport, where fuel oil and diesel currently predominate. The number of vessels fuelled by LNG is growing by around 20% per year, marking an opportunity for Basque shipyards developing their own technology. This is also a chance to promote the Basque route as an option with capacity to refuel these more efficient ships.

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Basque Energy Agency: 35 years working for energy improvement in the Basque Country

EVE's energy projects over the period are estimated to have generated 142 million euro for the Basque economyIn the last three decades, over €30 million has been allocated to aid for renewable energy.A commitment to natural gas has sped up investment and gasification of the region, providing industry with competitive energy prices and high-efficiency industrial technologies. This has been of key importance for competitiveness on global markets, and has helped maintain employment and industrial GDP.Thanks to the introduction of natural gas, oil use has dropped from 62% to 43% of consumption in the period, while the use of coal -the energy source with the highest emission rates- he been completely eliminated. Natural gas has also brought universal access to home comfort. Renewable energy now meets 7% of Basque energy demand and accounts for the entirety of the region's self-sufficiency. The Basque government is committed to research in this area, with test centres such as BIMEP and CIC Energigune, generating new industrial opportunities in the energy industry.

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