The installed capacity of geothermal energy in Euskadi is 17 MWg and a use of 1 ktep (0.3% of all renewable energies). The 700+ installations in our territory have entered service in the last decade, and their evolution has been closely linked to the construction cycle.
By sector, 63% of energy use corresponds to the housing sector, 32% to services and 5% to industry.
Vis-à-vis the next few years, the Energy Strategy for Euskadi 2030 (3E2030) sets a target of more than 40 MWg in 2020 and 250 MWg in 2030, with the weight of this technology in local renewable production growing by 2%.
To make progress towards this target, Euskadi’s potential is focused on the thermal exploitation of low enthalpy geothermal energy. Average potential of hydrothermal and aerothermal energy is observed, and in the long term (horizon 2030) the possible electrical use.
Technological development in low enthalpy geothermal energy will be marked, in the short and medium term, by the establishment of minimum quality standards to be complied with by installations created in Euskadi. The technology needed to implement this kind of system in single-family homes is not complex: a study of the thermal demand of the building, an estimate of the length of the heat exchange circuit required, and the installation of equipment suitable for the studied demand.